jueves, 16 de octubre de 2008

Albert Howard Fish

Hi guys!

This is my proposal. It's a video about my favorite serial murderer. Please don't think I'm a sadist, I'm just interested in criminal cases n_n This video is a little hard to listen to, but I hope you enjoy it. See ya!

4 comentarios:

Tania dijo...

hi,here you can find my comment

BOBLOG dijo...

Hi terry!!
Well , i think this story is kind of complicated , but here we can see how people can become crazy and get obsesed with insane things.
Since Fish was a child he started to live several experiences that little by little were driving him to madness and he started to get interested in religion and canibalism wich is insane but at the same time is inetresting to find out why he became like this.The way his brain started to think and the way he acted to look as a very kind person in order to achieve his objectives, this tell us he wasnt foolish at all, rather he was smart and he knew perfectly how to manage his plans and the way he killed his victims was completely an art wich is so crazy,including the letters he used to send to widows to tell them the way he had killed their children.I dont completely agree with the electrocution because i dont think is the right way to make the murderer suffer, however, in that time those kind of acts were completely unacceptable so he had to be executed.Talking a bit about the insecurity in Mexico i think there must be guys even worse than Fish so we have to be careful and take prevention measures.
It was an interesting story in spite of im not very in to these kind of stories, but it was good to learn how the human behavior can change and do so much evil.

Verónica Poujol dijo...

Hi guys! I already posted my comment in Tanias's blog. For boblog (who are you?) your comment-review-report is great and Terry the idea is very original and I do not think you are a sadistic at all!. I found your comment a bit short though.

Mark: 10

Xochicuicani dijo...

Well, I don´t know what to say about this video. Terry, I don't think you are sadist, I think this is not about sadism, but is about the "morbo" that the dead can provoke us.
I feel some repultion to this man who used the pain as a source of plasure and that practiced the cannibalism in a sadistic way.
The cannibalism is not an unnatural practice, many species practice it, and many cultures through the time and all around the world have practiced it because of alimentary necessity or in a ritual way. But nowadays is no more used, for which I'm glad because I find it very disturbing.
There are just some deeply mental sick persons that use this practice as a way of satisfying their twisted minds.