jueves, 30 de octubre de 2008

Comment about elephant hunting

Hi again!

Well... As I said in my podcast, the illegal wildlife trade is exceeded only by drugs and arms trafficking, and one of the best selling animal products is ivory. The asian elephant is one of my favorite animals and for me it's too painful to know the situacion of those poor elephants and rhinos. They just come to the world to live peaceably with the nature and with us. Unfortunately, many people don't respect the animal life. They are able to kill any living creatures by their self-interest. The illegal wildlife trade is a cruel and foolish act because every day we are devastating the huge biodiversity of the world, and we are causing an ecological imbalance in the planet. This trade is becoming a serious problem that we must stop it. So, we have to save animals worldwide!


1 comentario:

Verónica Poujol dijo...

My dear Terry. I read all your comments (3 all together) and I loved them, specially the touching story about your determined uncle. I felt moved as moved you may have felt when you heard it. He indeed set a good example to further generations in your family.

Elephants are some of my favorites species too! I think it is ashamed we have such little respect for our natural home.